Sunday, 7 August 2011

Silent thoughts in the Social

Introspection can be a curse
Especially if your good with words
Who knows what you'll drag
Out of your mind?

So much self obsession
To try and find some meaning
Some understanding
In things that don't make sense

Life isn't there to be figured out
It was never meant to be solved
The only power we have
Is over how we live it

For if we don't live by religion
And morality is nothing but good intention
Whats to stop this society
From falling into the forgotten generation?

Nothing to fight for
Except more power
Nothing to live for
Except desire

Who can define our identity
And be able to sum it up entirely?
What makes us different from the rest?
Apart from the screens embedded in our heads?

So focussed on whats happening
Somewhere else in the world
We can't see what's here
Right in front of us

So dependant on someone else's fantasy
We can't pick our own
Banished imaginations
Adds to mondane conversation
No wonder you're bored.

All content copyright to Ngaio Anyia

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